The Patriotic House 19 Initiative is a not for profit and non-political organization. The Patriotic House 19 initiative is officially registered with the cooperate affairs commission of the federal republic of Nigeria in the year of our Lord, Twenty hundred and seventeen (2017) with certificate registration number CAC/IT/NO 101916. (RC 1011850).
The Patriotic House 19 Initiative started as an evening gathering of few gentlemen of like minds at house number 19 Patrick Ehimen Street off 1st Ugbor Road in Benin city. This was between 2009, 2010, and 2011. These years can be regarded as the formative years, and it was then known and called "House 19 Parliament"
However, the association began to experience a major change in direction and purpose around 2015 and began to build momentum with more members joining the association. During this period, some members, who can be referred to today, as foundational members, were elected or sometimes selected to hold offices for both ceremonial and administrative convenience, respectively.
The need to birth an association guided by ideology, purpose, aims, objectives, and by all standards legally binded catapulted the first official election, after due registration, of the Patriotic House 19 Initiative in May 27th 2017 and Mr. Stanley Edobor became the first elected president of the association. In that same period, the constitution of the association was also drafted and ratified by members. This has since been a significant influence and a major change in ideas and redirection of the purpose of the association.
Today, the association is registered with the cooperate affairs commission (CAC), with about 90 registered members cut across the globe. The association, over the years, had undertaken major projects within Nigeria, ranging from the building of water boreholes to communities, donations of food items to the less privileged, and orphanage homes, payment of hospital bills of sick patients (children) and to sickle cell patients, operation seat a pupil, operation enroll a student etc.